Saturday, June 22, 2013

June 16th

We slept in AND took an early nap!  Ahhhhh.....the unbelievable relief!..for me...You had some serious and inexplicable meltdowns.  You wanted something so you cried...I gave it to you so you cried...You wanted to do something so you did it so you cried.  Fun times.  We (unrelatedly) decided to go to Grandmom's and Grandmapa's house earlier than we had planned for the Father's Day barbecue that we were having at Florence's house.  

We played with cars and we played with Grandmom, we flirted with all the other people in the room and we ate some sub-par veggie hot dogs that we brought.  You and Grandmapa sang on the way home, and we saw some beautiful sunsets - not the least of which involved the Philly skyline.  Things are so pretty in the light and color of a sunset...particularly from so far away....I bet there's a metaphor there, but right now I've got nothin.'

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