Monday, October 24, 2011

October 23rd

I sat you in your new high chair - not because you were going to eat anything, but because I could then say "Look at you in your high chair!"

We played outside for a bit, then took a nap, and then played with Dolly and Rosie!  You were the good listener this time around - Rosie was chatty chatty chatty.  She sounds like a kitten next to your low voice.  You two gnawed on each other's hands (so cute.  i'm not sure why this seemed like a good idea to you two, but you loved it) and played in exercisers and were just generally adorable.  Aunt Beth came over and hung out with us for a bit - it had been a LONG time since we'd seen her.  

You held my hand!  

You went to sleep early but only slept for an hour and a half, you don't seem to be feeling very well.  You have a bit of a fever and woke up sounding all husky and gurgley.  You have your first cold - your first sickness even.  Sorry that my immunity didn't catch this one for you - I'm busy fighting it now though so we can never get this one again.  I love you you hoarse little frog.

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