Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 8th

It's too bad the picture of you and Paula is blurry.  You two were having such a fun moment that it couldn't be left out.  She's getting quite a kick out of you lately... 

Lots of playing and screaming and cuddling today too.  I think you have a new schedule that involves a daytime nap and a half.  I feel hesitant to post it because it seems like every time that I say something about you to anyone other than you, you prove me wrong almost immediately afterwards.  

I rarely see us as "one face" like other people say we are (cause we're not...I think you've looked distinctly like you since the day you were born.  My eye color is all I feel confident claiming...even that though yours seem to have more colors than mine) but the screaming pictures sure have us at least able to make the same faces.  You furrow so much!  Such an expressive little man you are...

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