Monday, October 15, 2012

October 14th

We started off the day with preparing for tomorrow's celebration of Shove Your Kid In A Pumpkin Day - a Schulman tradition started last year.  We got ourselves a nice big pumpkin and posed with several others...Last year I had to put you into the pumpkins and prop you up with them...this year you saw the pumpkins all lined up and wriggled out of my arms to run over to them...climbed right on up into the pile... You sat on a tractor, and drank an apple cider slushie while relaxing in the hay.  (Yes, you read that cider slushie.  It was heavenly)  I'm kind of amazed that I remembered this farm and how to get there...I found it accidentally last year and couldn't find it online today at all... I'm thinking of starting a section on here about the places that we go.  Maybe other people will want to go there, maybe it'll just help me remember things...either way it could be helpful.

We were on our way home - almost there actually - when I decided that it was way too early to not be out of the I made a U-turn and we went to the woods.  I let you lead our whole trip... you found a rock and then brought it with you everyplace you went for about 15 minutes...into the woods and everything.  You turned us around and we left the trail and headed towards a softball game where you decided we should sit, and that it would be a good place to nurse.  (There were also some details about the folks who were playing and present that were interesting...but I'm sure I'll remember if you care to ask some day in the future)  We left the game and walked around some more...You led us into a stone building (open air still) and sat on the bench as a breeze came closed your eyes and said "Mmmm..." and then started dancing to the sound of the leaves in the breeze.  It sounds like I'm making it up to be poetic or whatever, but I'm not...

Home was much less noteworthy.  We saw Sam for a bit, she moved...our neighbors are all changing!  We took a very long nap that ended up keeping us up pretty late.  You did not want to I turned on Sesame on the iPad and you watched until Elmo and then went to sleep.  Such a long day!  Tomorrow you will be in Pumpkins!

(Those two at the bottom are you 10/15/11 and 10/14/12 in the pumpkins at Maple Acres Farm)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I please have the originals of Kai this year amidst the pumpkins?
What a difference a year makes!!!
