Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 16th

Hey, Man, remember when you used to sleep?  It was nice...

We built for about an hour, watched some Sesame Street, built for another hour and then made our way over to Jenny's for a girl's night (plus one).  I was making a lot of food for everyone, and you weren't so in to me not paying attention to you.  Between the not sleeping and the magnetic cling thing you and I have going on with each other, your Mama was looooooosiiiiiiing it.  I'm not sure what inspired you to start playing with silverware and quarters, but I got into (and then realized I was in) a groove which made me worry about your whereabouts.  I looked down and you were building with forks and lining up quarters your leg... Silly man... I friggin' adore you.  And when I think I can't adore you more, you drive me insane....and then line up quarters on your leg...and despite my insanity, I do end up adoring you more.

You and Rosie were precious, as ran over to give her hugs, you guys came pretty close to unassisted sharing of some really high-want-items.  You also inspired a melt down or two in each other.  We ate cookies...most of us with home made whipped cream (!!!) but you weren't interested in the cream.  Weirdo.  What a good night!

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