Monday, November 19, 2012

November 18th

We woke up at the normal time, but it felt so early.  You did not sleep last night.  Ouch.  But!  We woke up to a play date and breakfast!  You and Ezra got along beautifully!  You chased each other around and shared really nicely.  You had nothing but smiles for David, and though you didn't eat any pancakes, I did...and really, I'm the clear winner in that department.

After our morning we went home and took a nap before going to G&G's so I could go to work.  You didn't nap despite a desperate need to...but had a lot of fun in your silly necklaces and had some yogurt.  We ate dinner, did a little cleaning up after ourselves (or played with the answering machine...depending on which of us we're talking about) and came home and went to bed.  Ahhh...bed....

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