Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February 19th

We decided to forgo our nap this morning (we've been off schedule for a few weeks anyhow) to go to storytime at the library near Brooke Carol and Quinn's house.  Storytime gave me quite a workout (I lifted you up and down for about 15're not a light dude...for a lazy mama anyway...) but you seemed to be enjoying yourself.  After, we went into the library's play room and played on the computers for a bit before going back to their house.  You and Quinn played ball for a little, ate lunch (or painted your hair with it were...) and then jumped on Quinn's trampoline for a while.  You two were not easy to get a picture of!..just two very very happy blurs...

When we left there we went to Target (you scream for bananas whenever we go there now...) then saw Grandmapa for a little bit and came home for an incredibly necessary nap.  We woke up to a visit and dinner with Aunt Beth and Cassidy.  Very good day we had, Sir...very very good.  And long.  Very very very long.   

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