Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 10th

Look how proud you are of yourself for you "putting on your pants" joke... Edible, Sir, you are positively edible...

While we weren't sleeping last night, I was laying my head against your back and heard wheezing. That made your cough seem problematic to me, so we decided to go to the dr.  Look how tall you are!!

From the Dr's office, we went to the book store and to Michaels to get supplies for your presents for your teachers.  You painted each one a picture, planning what to do for each teacher, and making one for Grandmapa too - just because it felt like one he'd like!  You're the sweetest.  You and I also talked on our canvases, and you talked on your shoe also while you were having a bit of naked time.  The giant spaces in the picture section are there specifically because there are adorable pictures of you nakedly chatting on the phone that I just don't feel like I should post, but you should know to look for. Little tush...

You danced around under your (Lego) umbrella, and sang it's raining songs (it isn't) and I just think you're about the cutest thing ever to be.  

And helpful!  Look at how you feed the fish!


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