Friday, December 7, 2012

December 3rd

For real...I can't get enough of you and that diner.  You actually look like a gent in the 50s working behind the counter...SQUEEEEzable.....

So we went to the post office to mail the package to Chrissy in Canada that we had gone to New Jersey for last week...Wanna hear how late I tend to do things?  Also included in that package are your friends' first birthday cards from the mommies... Sigh.

When we got home we napped, and then the sun was almost down so we went for a quick walk through the neighborhood and in the woods by our house.  Ya know?  I never noticed before this year and figuring out how to plan our days just how dark it gets and just how early during daylight savings time.  (or not daylight savings...whichever winter is)  It's hard!  I feel like the day is over at 5...but then there's still so much day left...Crazy.  It boggles the'll see some day... So anyway, I've started dealing with that by cooking.  You're not a fan of my attending to - not - you...but apparently all you need is to be given an oven mitt and all is again well.  You don't like your oven mitt though.  I wish it protected my hand, I would happily use it.

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