Monday, June 22, 2015

June 16th

Facetime is the best invention ever.

The Fervers came over and we played...just about every game that you have... When they left, you fed your horse, and I went on a cleaning RAMPAGE...luckily you were into helping.  We moved all of the furniture and got all of the hiding pieces of everything that ever was.  You were a giant help, thank you.  Your efforts were rewarded by being allowed to ride your scooting car thingie in the house...

Mister, I'm finding myself wanting to censor some things because of people in our lives talking about our need to get a few things out there so that I don't have to hold the shame and guilt that's being created in my keeping it in.  The house is frequently a mess.  I'm far from a minimalist, Man. This house and the people in it have thrived in minimal, and have thrived in's been super dirty - dirtier than I would like it to be...even for long stretches of time.  I'm not now, nor do I have any intentions of working towards being a perfect house keeper.  I'd love to have us clean up after ourselves in a timely-ish manner most of the time.  Shit happens though.  Depressions and sickness, business and birthdays...out-growing clothes and hating to do laundry....they all happen. They happen to everyone, not just us.  There have been times that keeping this blog has been the main thing that has kept me going strong...having a place to publicly put our days, how you're growing, and how I'm helping you to grow "kept me honest."  It kept me living my life and parenting in ways that I'm proud of.  Proud enough to post publicly.  I considered cropping pictures today because of other people's opinions of our space and my ability to keep you safe as a result of our space.  I'm officially not going to do that.  We stain cushions in this house.  We play fiercely in this house.  We cook whole and healthy many step meals in this house and we don't always feel like cleaning up after them with our satisfied bellies bulging.  We plan and craft for elaborate parties and paint and create things to give to people to make them happy.  We don't ever ever catch up on our laundry.  While I wouldn't mind having all of the laundry and dishes done, I wouldn't trade our lives.  We're good and happy, healthy people.  When the house is super dirty, there's always a reason...and there's never a delusion that it isn't, nor an intention to keep it that way.  Other people's standards don't have to matter to us as long as we're willing to live with the consequences of that difference in standard.  People can say whatever they want to about us, we know who we are, and I'm not going to hide who we are or be ashamed.  Fuck that.  At the end of the day, I want you to learn that you don't have to let people be mean to you - even unintentionally mean...even unintentional mean that really meant to protect and care for you.  It would be ideal to be the kind of person that can forgive them once they realize they've done it, but that also doesn't mean that they get to try to be nice to you in the future.  You don't owe anything to anyone.  You can be kind and generous without letting people throw their shit at you whenever they want.  Sorry to curse.  No I'm not.  It's exactly what I wanted to say...

Love you, Kiddo...

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