Saturday, June 6, 2015

May 28th - Four Years Old!!

(Alright, I don't think it comes as a surprise to anyone that I'm too much of a control freak to give up writing about the details you don't cover, right?  I'm just gonna write in parenthesis!  It'll be like it never happened!  <--that isn't something that your future therapists and partners will need to analyze at all!

This year's birthday wake up didn't work as well as it has in past years...or, actually, maybe it worked that you STAYED up for quite some time after!  I got super good birthday snuggles and lovin though... When you woke up for the day, you asked for cupcakes for breakfast...and we obliged. You, though, sweetie stinker that you are kept offering them to me!  "Here Mommy, have some cupcake!"  Heart melter...

You insisted that you have an octopod birthday cake this year, and your birthday party cupcakes aren't gonna fit that bill, so...we made it happen!  Not perfectly, but it wasn't a COMPLETE fail!  Orange flavored cake!  It was actually rather nice.  Jacob ate it though, because he, too, is stinky.

You fell asleep on the way to G&G's for dinner, and woke up to a desire for cake and ice cream.  B y some strange coincidence, G&G HAD cake and ice fact, it was an ice cream cake!

We took a picture on top of the tree we planted -the picture in which you look like you're tripping and about to cry...because you were- and we're hopefully going to recreate that picture every year as the tree grows.  After that torture, you got to open your presents and enjoy the rest of your evening.

Sweet sweet boy, I can't believe my luck in getting such a spirit to raise... You have such an unbelievably good heart.  Happy Happy Birthday to you, Kai Alexander...and many many many happy returns.  I love you more than it's possible to... I make that shit work... ;)  )

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