Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 27th

Look who's in town!!!  The second we got to G&G's Lauren found you and started being the excellent big cousin that she is.  You followed her into the den and you two read for a bit until breakfast was ready.  We played 'A my name is...' and had a very funny, very Schulman time doing it... All of my couples were gay, Grandmapa kept saying "Hi. I'm Peter.  That's my wife, Marcia.  We live in Bala Cynwyd....we don't sell anything."  It was completely predictable and so completely us.  

I went to work and you spent the day with Grandmom and the girls... I came home, the girls left, and we went to Rebecca's house where you played with a bunch of new kids and ate spaghetti with a fork all by yourself!!

When we got home you were so exhausted that we couldn't even make it back to G&G's to pick up Peabody!  I was so exhausted that I collapsed into your little arm chair rocker and couldn't bring myself to get out of it.  I think that's the sign of a good day, right?

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