Friday, February 28, 2014

February 26th

You had a great day at school, and were adorable with Emilio at the door...and then came home and relaxed and napped the night away.  If I didn't know that the universe would NEVER DO IT TO US AGAIN (Please?) I'd say I thought you might be getting sick...but that would be crazy, right?  RIGHT?!

You've taken to getting your nails painted.  You've requested brushateeth and iwantapantanails daily for two days now.  Grooming habits are important, I'm not complaining.

But really, you're not getting sick, are you?

February 25th

This was like...the standard 'us at home' day.  We read, we hung (the cutest!!) artwork from school on the fridge, cuddled with the dogs, read some more... You read to me and have the most creative and adorable stories... You cut with scissors, cuddled some more, watched some TV, hung out with a box on your head and got obsessed with brushing your teeth.  Obsessed.  "But I WANNA brushateeth!"

February 24th

So.  I've painted my thumb nail so that I remember to not check my phone while I'm driving.  Even smart folk have some idiotic habits, Man...Anyway, you wanted your nails painted too.  Fingers and a different color for your toes, thank you.  Somehow, having little blue fingernails makes everything you do cute amplified.  You're off the charts cute.  It actually might have made everyone in the house cuter. Also, it might have made Aiden a walrus.

You cooked at the same time as I did tonight.  Brilliant.  I wish that worked every night.  

I was taking pictures of you and you got very upset.. "Oh no!  Where's Mommy go?!"  So, we took a ton of pictures of us together.  Love love love...