Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 4th

Today I will be wridig everythig as it souds through by absolutely ibpassable dose.  I cad actually dot believe how sick we are.  Ad it's a cold, so it's dot like there's adythig that cad be dode about it.  UGH.

Well, you codtidue to be a trouper, Bad.  I dod't dow how I'd be doig this with ady other kid.  We cuddled all day, ad you ate tods of popcicles...You fed theb to the dogs, you fed theb to Elbo, ad you fed theb to be.  By sweet sweet boy.  Thadk you for beig such a trouper, ad supporter...ad for squirtig salide up both of our doses.  Best kid ever.

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