Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 5th

Dolly and Ro wanted to come over, but when she heard my voice (do better today despite by typig better) Dolly declared that there was nothing that could make her let Ro come into contact with any more snot.  They're all mucus'd out at the Ferver house.  An interesting choice, but we've decided to forge ahead with the boogs and never ever let them go.  Sigh.  Luckily, moments later, Lee called and asked if we wanted company!  Warning of the cold that wouldn't die did not sway her...so she and Maddie came over and played ALL DAY!  

It took Maddie a little to warm up and to remember who we all were, but once she was there you two had a great time!  You read stories, and jumped on the trampoline together...shared your affinity for Cookie Monster, and rounded it all up with some marbles... What a nice day...and brilliantly timed, It's nuts how long we all go without seeing each other, though I will say, you and Maddie actually make it more frequent - so thank you.  

I had begun feeling horrible that this has been such a very snowy winter and you've been too sick every single time to go out and play in it, so...I emptied (sure, we'll use that tame word for it) the water table and filled it up with snow and you played in it for hours.  You loved it!  You're not a big fan of touching it with your hands...or wearing mittens...but with measuring cups, we're good to go.  

You've been very concerned about both of our health: "Doctor doctor?"  and you come over with your stethoscope and then give me a shot in the mouth (fascinating that you remember taking medicine more than getting shots...with all the tsuris you getting shots gave me...).  You're such a sweet soul.  So playful, even while sick, too!  We're starting to think even the dogs are getting colds...

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