Monday, June 20, 2011

June 19th

It's father's day, so we went to Grandmapa and Grandmom's...and who did we not get a picture of you with? Grandmapa! Oops. Sorry Grandmapa...

Grandmom picked us up at around noon, and we went to Target - your first time there outside of my belly... we got some things, and then went to Grandmom and Grandmapa's, and you ate lunch, then we ate lunch and put you in a bouncy seat... You didn't seem to hate it, but you weren't really happy there either.

Grandmom held you for a long time after lunch, and rocked you...she thinks it's the squeak of the rocker that soothed you to sleep. Grandmapa thinks it was the rocking. You'll get used to conversations/debates like that one.

Once you woke up, we all ate dinner and then gave you your first sink bath! Again, you weren't thrilled, but you didn't seem to hate it either. You're gonna love baths some day. (I hope)

Grandmapa held you for a bit and told you a story about some legal misconception, and then we went home. We had a very good day :)

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