Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 15th

It wasn't going to be easy to leave anyway...but five minutes into our trip we got gas and then couldn't turn our car back on.... Thank goodness for AAA.  You played around in the gas station while we were waiting for our new battery, and then got really upset at the whole 'I'm not asleep or on the road' thing.... An hour later we were on the road and had a largely uneventful drive home.  I dropped you off at Grandmom and Grandmapa's, and you played with Grandmapa and Grand-neighbor Jeff while I worked, I came back to get you...and we were home and sleeping pretty shortly after getting here.  It was a long day, Mister, filled with large scale tragedy (the world can be a pretty scary inexplicably scary and unfair place...) and small personal annoyances (you've stopped saying 'please.'  Not cool.) but we're trudging along.... Is it June yet?

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