Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 20th

I used to LOVE planting largely established plants and flowers... (ok, I probably still would...) but watching seedlings do their thing after planting seeds is so amazing!  Look how tiny and sweet they are!

We read "Creatures A B C" and you "roar'd" at almost all of the animals...We should maybe practice that a bit :)  You fed me a lollipop (you never finish them!) and then we Facetime'd with Yanira.  Mister Man, you are so stinkin sweet with her!  It's like you have all of this love and want to have us all snuggle, even when it's just the two of you "talking," you grab me and get me into the screen too!  You say "Hi's!" over and over and over again and blow kisses...Have I told you about the feeding her popcorn through the screen?  God, this month is flying in some respects and just inching along in others... I think I might be doing some extra focusing on the seedlings because they're a physical representation of time moving along even when it feels like it's slogging.  (I wonder if you'll get sick of my constant analysis of our psychological motivations...ahhh the plight of a therapist's son...)

We spent the remainder of the day with the Fervers... We went for some long overdue Yapple, and then went to the park to introduce Dora and Aiden - but there were horses at the park (!!) so Dora was a little over-stimulated.  That didn't keep us from having fun though!  From the park we went to Five Guys, and ate delicious food and laughed and played.  Remember this when you are wishing for adulthood some day - we don't see the Fervers every day because of work.  Work gets in the way of fun.  Work can be fun also, that wasn't a perfect thought....more accurate is: work gets in the way of daily fun with the Fervers....and so, clearly, rushing yourself towards adulthood isn't a great idea. 

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