Thursday, August 22, 2013

August 21st

After snoozing my alarm clock this morning (!!!) you (yes, YOU snoozed my alarms!) stacked some trucks and we were off...past the insanely tall and as of yet un-bloomed sunflower, into the car and off we went to Grandmom.  You spent a couple hours with her at work, and then we went to get your feet measured (10.5?!  Really?!).  You insisted on the acquisition of that horse ball (sorry, Kiddo, your feet are already too big for you to be a jockey...) and were even willing to hold my hand when appropriate so that you could keep it in your arm.  We came home and very actively did not sleep.  We didn't sleep in bed, where you jumped on me and begged for tickles.  We didn't sleep in the living room where you made a scene out of animals of the savanna (and a donkey.)  We didn't sleep outside while unpacking all sorts of treasures from the bag that I don't know where you found, and we didn't sleep in the sand where you buried all your treasures.  You shoved what must have been an entire bag of crackers into your mouth all at once, found a deflated balloon, and off we went to Penn's campus to play in a different park with Steph.  You were not at all about repeating the relaxing park experience of yesterday.  You ran and kicked the ball, you charmed tons of strangers with your antics even getting two people to kick the ball back to you...(people's reactions to you never ceases to fascinate me...) You found all sorts of scary "fun" things to do like balancing and walking along a wall...with a roughly 5 ft drop... You had a number of melt downs which all seemed to lead us to the bocce balls.  Once you got your hands on the bocce balls and had a particular affinity for the pallino (or "jack" or "boccino" apparently).  You also enjoyed running around the softball field (which you probably shouldn't have done) and were really super invested in getting into the equipment cart.  It was not easy to get your mind off of that idea, Man...
We walked around Penn's campus a bit more and back to the car...where you, again, fell so deeply asleep that it was a struggle to get you changed for bed.  Seriously, a schedule.  Ish.  Let's get back into a schedule-ish?  We're going away for a week starting on Friday with Grandmom, and I bet we can make it happen then.  Mister, your Mama gets to be at the ocean for a week!  I mean, you do's unclear whether that will be a positive for you or not though.  Something tells me you'll love it with Grandmom.  You seem to love everything with Grandmom...

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