Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November 23rd

I would just like, for posterity's sake, to say that Steph actually planned for us to get a room for today months ago.  She knew you it was going to be a long day, that you wouldn't be interested in all of the events, and that she wouldn't want you watching some of them...and so, months ago, though I was fighting her for even thinking of such a thing, she had your back for today in a way that I wouldn't have thought to.  She's a pretty incredible lady...and one that now as I write this has her black belt!!

We spent the day with Grandmom and Grandmapa taking turns watching the festivities and you (they were a giant help - they deserve a shout out too).  You took a long walk with Grandmom and found "strange green balls that fall from trees" that Grandmom had never seen before (osage oranges, Mom) and then Grandmapa and I came back out with you so you could throw them around and play in the leaves.  You came inside just in time for me to get you sleeping in time for me to watch Steph's last two parts of the test...and then she was a black belt!  It'd be so cool if you want to do this too some day...

We had dinner with Steph's Tae Kwan Do family and Grandmom and Grandmapa and then we retired to the room to watch a show about penguins (which all of us really geeked out over) and then never ever ever EVER sleep.  You were wired, Steph couldn't understand why her legs hurt (a fact that I'm still laughing about) (was it her legs?  her arms?  whatever it was, i think we know why it was hurting...) and I was sandwiched between you.  Heh...I suppose I wouldn't have it any other way...my teeny tiny fierce little weirdos.

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