Friday, November 8, 2013

November 4th

After some pretty intense bathroom reading, we headed off to school...which must have been exhausting, because you slept after, and slept hard!  You weren't very into waking up.

We made dinner together, and then retired to playing with cars.  I thought that would end up being the rest of the night because that's how things have been going lately, but you decided to sweep up the mess we had made instead and then climb all over my back.  You have very impressive balance, Mister Man.  

We made a whole world of horses, then counted them, and then we lost your hand for a little while!  (Don't was just in your shirt...) and then we retired to bed where you had me read you five books.  Five of them.  You actually legitimately wanted me to (and let me!) read 4 of them!  You probably would also have liked for me to read Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel had there not been pictures of trucks and buses in it.  I lose you to trucks and buses every time.

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