Thursday, April 11, 2013

April 9th

You, Sir, are a trouper!  We drove to DC to see the cherry blossoms, and you were so great in the car!  You were far more accepting of the distance than the adults were, that's for sure...

We walked around for about an hour.  You kept scaring us and getting too close to the water, so we spent most of our time not looking at anything particularly DCish.  It was your first official time there though, so we had to sneak in one with the monument in the background.  I love cherry does Yanira, she even has some tattooed on her arm!  You, however, could not have cared less.  I kept trying to get you look at the trees or some blossoms that were close to you and you wanted nothing to do with it. 

We went to Five Guys on our way home, and you were so well behaved in the restaurant!  Even more exciting was that even though you had slept for the majority of both car rides, you were still fully willing to sleep when we got home, making this a beautiful and entirely successful day trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Please send me the originals of the three of you closeups. You all look gorgeous!
