Saturday, September 7, 2013

September 7th

Oh the poor back yard.  The front yard has it's issues too, but that back yard sure does get put through several life cycles every year... This time I'm doing the cut down and the building up of it all.  We'll see how that goes.  Anyway, you played out there and freaked out a bunch and then played some more.  You took a nap while I cleared some more from the front yard and hung out with Brian for a bit, and when you woke up we went to Target to get school supplies and (while you weren't looking) some of the trucks you've been coveting.  I'm pretty sure that they're discontinuing the line, so...your all of her unending love for you...went to two more Targets to see if she could get some more of the ones we haven't gotten yet.  At the third one you saw them...and then lost it.  You're a lot of fun when you scream, let me tell you.  Well, I don't need to tell're there.  You couldn't breathe by the time we left.  Poor little guy.  (and me.)

We came home and picked up Friends to bring to a sick Steph, and then went and had dinner and played trains with Grandmom and Grandmapa.  Have I told you about how Grandmapa and you say goodbye to each other?  He says goodbye through all of the windows of the car...surprising you with which one he'll go to.  You laugh and laugh... I've got such good men in my life.  :) 

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