Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September 9th - First Day of Preschool!

Well, Sir?...We survived.

I can't believe how much like a big boy you look!  You had absolutely no idea what was happening, but insisted on "driving" your school bus to the car before our ride to school.  Oh how fun the world can be.  It's funny how if we were books or movies how much of our lives would be foreshadowing.  

We got to your class and you were absolutely fine.  You immediately started playing with toys and were super excited about everything you were finding... I said goodbye, you said goodbye back, and off I went.  Just like that.

I didn't have any clients...I was just alone looking into the vast abyss of a day without you (4 hours...heh...) and decided to get coffee with Steph.  We decided to start a tradition of 'first day of school' books, so we went and hung out in Barnes and Nobles and sifted through the kid's section.  I had held back my strong desire to call your class for about twenty minutes, and when I finally called I heard that you'd had a wonderful first hour and a half, and had started to get sad and ask to leave right about the time I'd initially wanted to call.  I wonder if the urge to come and swoop you up when you're sad will ever feel less intense...

Terry (your teacher) reported that you never fully recovered once you got sad, but did have a few fun times including a walk with her, and playing with everyone outside.  You must have been exhausted - the reason for the meltdown I imagine - because you fell asleep at the table at snack time!  We'll work on your sleep schedule, and hopefully that will smooth out this transition for you.  

We came home and you hung out with Steph while I did a session, and then we went to her place so she could pick up her Tae Kwon Do gear and go to teach.  

You konked out EARLY and I took to reading your new books.  There's a beautiful excerpt down there... Sigh.

You were so sleepy!

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